Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ticket to Venice

This will be the third class I've taken with MaryAnn Moss, and if it's anything like the previous two, I know I'll stay happy and busy in months to come!
If you enjoy working with paper and scraps.  I urge you to take her Remains of the Day (ROTD) Journal Tutorial.   Mary Ann is such a good teacher and will help you bring a wonderful journal to life in simple steps.

Next is her Boogie Tilt Journal - three hardcover books that are a little more ambitious, but still attainable with her wonderful video instructions. I see this is on sale right now: Full Tilt Boogie

I should add that these classes have to be the most fun ones I've taken, and are very addicting.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Afternoon at the Lake

What an enjoyable way to spend a lazy afternoon - reading a good book on our porch by the lake, a few years ago.  Angela's Ashes was such a well written book, I didn't want it to finish.  
I used Anna Aspnes and Katie Pertiet's brown paper for this page. Background paper is mine. The font is Signerica. Inspired by Maine Every day, by whatnext at Oscraps 

A small Japanese village, at the foot of Mount Fuji, May 1970

This tiny village was so small, so intimate, it felt as if we were trespassing.
As I glanced through the open doorways I noticed the ground of dirt and 
pebbles running right through to the living area of some of the homes.
My camera was far too invasive to take many pictures, so l only took this and
another of the beautiful windsock carps that flew strong and proud above the rooftops.
Tango no sekku is the celebration of Boys Day in Japan, and each carp 
symbolizes a son in the family, a very large one for the eldest and the rest ranging down in size.  

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Just testing the size for Blogger. Click to enlarge, it looks much better.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Yesterday at Jo-Ann's

So the darling great granddaughters came with us, I treasure them dearly, but not while shopping - they don’t help when I need to figure things out at the jewelry department.  They did have a good time with all the glittery and shiny goodies to enjoy.  Every few minute I’d hear “Nana. look at this lovely (whatever)” shouted at me in their loudest voices - just in caseI didn’t hear.
I came home with just a few things in my bag that inluded two Somerset books (I thought I was buying their magazines), and a couple of lovely reusable $1.99 totes. 
Between my daughter and I, we each had a basket, and often took different directions for our shopping, we were distracted a lot by the children and  kept changing and getting mixed up with our baskets.  Somehow, we must have gained a basket and lost another that held all my jewelry findings somewhere in the store.  I was so tired I didn’t even miss them until I got home.  I checked my receipt that was around $50 but they hadn't been added.

Howard helped me cook the supper and while he was clearing away the dishes, I fell asleep exhausted on the couch.  I had been pushing through the day with only about three hours of sleep from the evening before, so my brain power was at an all time low.
Today, Howard is taking me back to Jo-Ann.  Do you think we’ll find my basket?  I hate having to go through all that figuring what I need again.

My comfy Bohemian Frump couch

I just had to get rid of my "Blob" picture sitting front and center of this blog. I do have some freebies coming up but am still looking for another place to upload them. I was playing with circles and had a lot of fun blending with some older flower photos. I think some of the designs are a bit too much for a full scrapbook page, but as borders or strips, they're pretty.

The papers I designed way back when, are still being worked on.  After a real close-up look at the design, I couldn't let them go with all the messed up pixels underneath the top surface.  Careless blending in Photoshop will do this, and I'm very guilty of getting carried away with all the lovely colors and textures I see on the  upper surface.

I've been out of sorts for many months with my eyes.  Even now I can only see by closing my left eye and squinting, so anything I design these days is a bit iffy, unless everyone else squints like me to view what I've done!  I had a detached retina, and after the surgery to fix it, I now have cataracts - very bad in the left eye, but I can see enough to get around a bit - no driving though.
We bought a 27 inch iMac to replace our 24 inch that crashed, but everything is twice as small instead of larger. The magnifying feature brings things closer and larger, but it gets pretty bad for moving around the page. I think I prefer my older mac - except for the lack of memory that's needed for working in Photoshop. Let's hope this typing doesn't end up gobbledygook! I'll edit it later with better eyes.
Oh, I was getting bored and decided to play around with our 24 inch crashed iMac.  After several weeks of Googling and trying out a variety of things, I got it up and working!  It wasn't the hard drive after all, so I ordered more memory so it won't crash again for a while (I put the memory and special screwdriver somewhere and with limited eyesight, can't find it).  
I think I'll dedicate one of these machines to my favorite Brit TV programs that I watch from YouTube.  I'll be able to relax downstairs in my living room on my comfy Bohemian Frump couch, with a nice cup of tea.  The couch has tassel  type fringe all around the bottom now  they omitted it from my order by mistake, but sent me heaps after I told them.  With fabric glue, it wasn't  difficult to glue on. I put the green trees on our deck - they make a great privacy screen!

Friday, February 03, 2012

The Blob

I had to defrost a packaged sauce in the microwave, but didn't check the directions since a previous sauce had said no need to pierce for steam. I saw it ballooning up, but instead of opening the door before it burst, I rushed upstairs to get my camera!
I was fast at taking a number of shots of this, and it wasn't until after that I realized my camera was on manual. As I checked each image in the viewer I adjusted the controls without thinking, so breaking in my photography book (see previous post) seems to be working, because having the book stay open is so comfortable, that I'm reading and learning from it daily!

Thursday, February 02, 2012

I'd like to package more designs to give away, but don't want to use 4Shared, because I keep reading on DST about viruses coming from there. If anyone has a better place to upload to, I'd appreciate a link or something - thanks.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The darn book won't stay open!

I'm determined to learn all the buttons on my Canon camera.  The manual is okay to understand, but print is way too tiny for my aged eyes, and it won't stay open.  I  downloaded a copy from Canon that's easier to read on screen, but it's a bit of a pain when I want to lounge on the couch and read from the coffee table (in my case tea-cup table!) with the camera on my lap.  Printing pages was fine but with too many to print, I decided to purchase a Canon 7d Guide from Amazon.  The book is great, but the pages still wouldn't open flat.  I was just going to get it "spiral wire bound" from Staples, but found this guide for opening new books correctly and it really works to keep them open!

I love how this guide has been illustrated:    guide

and another guide:      How to open a new book

Monday, January 16, 2012

Frilly dilly bag

Frilly dilly bag, originally uploaded by kirsten67.
I love the mixture of pattern and color.

I decided to try to get the pattern from Kirsten67 and make several of these in different sizes with some of my fabric stash for my studio and workrooms.  I might sew a design on the front showing what I have inside the bag - ribbons, jewelry parts, etc.  They'd be a colorful addition.  Though knowing me, I'll make one or two then get tired of making them!

I just discovered the Frilly dilly bag came from....

I've checked her website and Etsy Shop and can't find a contact or a way to purchase the pattern from the US

Thank you Janelle for stopping by and letting me know where to buy your patterns.
The url  - here: