Friday, February 03, 2012

The Blob

I had to defrost a packaged sauce in the microwave, but didn't check the directions since a previous sauce had said no need to pierce for steam. I saw it ballooning up, but instead of opening the door before it burst, I rushed upstairs to get my camera!
I was fast at taking a number of shots of this, and it wasn't until after that I realized my camera was on manual. As I checked each image in the viewer I adjusted the controls without thinking, so breaking in my photography book (see previous post) seems to be working, because having the book stay open is so comfortable, that I'm reading and learning from it daily!

Thursday, February 02, 2012

I'd like to package more designs to give away, but don't want to use 4Shared, because I keep reading on DST about viruses coming from there. If anyone has a better place to upload to, I'd appreciate a link or something - thanks.